Wednesday 21 March 2012

Inclusive Education


Today we tackle one of the most fiercely debated topics in the education world (At the college) as far as I have noticed, and that thing is

*Drum Roll*

Inclusive Education! *Dramatic horror music*

Right, so I'm kind've over doing it. It happens. Anyways,

My opinion on this matter is that this is an incredibly (wait for it) ...Care-Bear theory and this is something I strongly feel is a step in the wrong direction, at least the way it is being implimented.

IN THEORY, being able to have children with a wide spectrum of learning and mental disabilities, as well as those with a "giftedness" or above average acadaemic skill all together in a classroom with all other students who fall into the "average" range isn't wrong. I mean, it's cool to have more social interaction, especially between students who function in distinctly different ways and can all benifet from eatchother and learn equally in the classroon. If those kids who needed it had extra help such as aides, specialized work tailored to their needs, and an INDIVIDUAL PLAN in which the best way to help them achieving learning is outlined, this would be great. But...realistically? These supports aren't there. A teacher can only be asked to do so much on their own in the way of making their lessons and classroom individual to each students needs. I mean, we can do the little things, but we can drastically alter the classroom for each and every student's needs, its just not possible.

To comment on why I have "INDIVIDUAL PLAN" In all caps up there, its because I am made to beleive that IPP's are being abolished and are not to be used anymore, because they may impart labels on kids. Hold on, we took away Individual Placement Plans? Those things that we created to outline the specific needs of each child? The things that served as tools and helped us deliver the best education possible? Perhaps I heard wrong, but this is insane,

I understand that labels are bad, I really do. Im a Psych-nut, I know all about self-fullfilling prophecy and how much labels and social treatment can affect a child. I get it. But this is NOT how to solve the problem. Labels in the form of IPP's and specialized programs to aid students in succeeding to the best of their abilities are not set with the purpose of demeaning any child, any student. They are there to HELP. Getting rid of these because other children and adults might see these classrooms and programs negatively and think bad things is just... just...Care-Bear, and incredibly illogical. It's like a leap backwards in progress. Im wondering if some of the parents of these kids are more interested in their own image and how their child looks on them than the child themself, or the academic assistance they need to succeed. Like, come on now.

Alright, well, I've made my side abundantly clear. I'd be happy to  listen to arguments, this is a complex idea and I certainly don't think it's black and white, my way or the highway. So what are some other thoughts on this?

I'll leave it at that today!


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